SessionTime | Seconds since session start | s |
SessionTick | Current update number | |
SessionNum | Session number | |
SessionState | Session state | irsdk_SessionState |
SessionUniqueID | Session ID | |
SessionFlags | Session flags | irsdk_Flags |
SessionTimeRemain | Seconds left till session ends | s |
SessionLapsRemain | Old laps left till session ends use SessionLapsRemainEx | |
SessionLapsRemainEx | New improved laps left till session ends | |
SessionTimeTotal | Total number of seconds in session | s |
SessionLapsTotal | Total number of laps in session | |
SessionJokerLapsRemain | Joker laps remaining to be taken | |
SessionOnJokerLap | Player is currently completing a joker lap | |
SessionTimeOfDay | Time of day in seconds | s |
RadioTransmitCarIdx | The car index of the current person speaking on the radio | |
RadioTransmitRadioIdx | The radio index of the current person speaking on the radio | |
RadioTransmitFrequencyIdx | The frequency index of the current person speaking on the radio | |
DisplayUnits | Default units for the user interface 0 = english 1 = metric | |
DriverMarker | Driver activated flag | |
PushToTalk | Push to talk button state | |
PushToPass | Push to pass button state | |
ManualBoost | Hybrid manual boost state | |
ManualNoBoost | Hybrid manual no boost state | |
IsOnTrack | 1=Car on track physics running with player in car | |
IsReplayPlaying | 0=replay not playing 1=replay playing | |
ReplayFrameNum | Integer replay frame number (60 per second) | |
ReplayFrameNumEnd | Integer replay frame number from end of tape | |
IsDiskLoggingEnabled | 0=disk based telemetry turned off 1=turned on | |
IsDiskLoggingActive | 0=disk based telemetry file not being written 1=being written | |
FrameRate | Average frames per second | fps |
CpuUsageFG | Percent of available tim fg thread took with a 1 sec avg | % |
GpuUsage | Percent of available tim gpu took with a 1 sec avg | % |
ChanAvgLatency | Communications average latency | s |
ChanLatency | Communications latency | s |
ChanQuality | Communications quality | % |
ChanPartnerQuality | Partner communications quality | % |
CpuUsageBG | Percent of available tim bg thread took with a 1 sec avg | % |
ChanClockSkew | Communications server clock skew | s |
MemPageFaultSec | Memory page faults per second | |
MemSoftPageFaultSec | Memory soft page faults per second | |
PlayerCarPosition | Players position in race | |
PlayerCarClassPosition | Players class position in race | |
PlayerCarClass | Player car class id | |
PlayerTrackSurface | Players car track surface type | irsdk_TrkLoc |
PlayerTrackSurfaceMaterial | Players car track surface material type | irsdk_TrkSurf |
PlayerCarIdx | Players carIdx | |
PlayerCarTeamIncidentCount | Players team incident count for this session | |
PlayerCarMyIncidentCount | Players own incident count for this session | |
PlayerCarDriverIncidentCount | Teams current drivers incident count for this session | |
PlayerCarWeightPenalty | Players weight penalty | kg |
PlayerCarPowerAdjust | Players power adjust | % |
PlayerCarDryTireSetLimit | Players dry tire set limit | |
PlayerCarTowTime | Players car is being towed if time is greater than zero | s |
PlayerCarInPitStall | Players car is properly in their pitstall | |
PlayerCarPitSvStatus | Players car pit service status bits | irsdk_PitSvStatus |
PlayerTireCompound | Players car current tire compound | |
PlayerFastRepairsUsed | Players car number of fast repairs used | |
CarIdxLap | Laps started by car index | |
CarIdxLapCompleted | Laps completed by car index | |
CarIdxLapDistPct | Percentage distance around lap by car index | % |
CarIdxTrackSurface | Track surface type by car index | irsdk_TrkLoc |
CarIdxTrackSurfaceMaterial | Track surface material type by car index | irsdk_TrkSurf |
CarIdxOnPitRoad | On pit road between the cones by car index | |
CarIdxPosition | Cars position in race by car index | |
CarIdxClassPosition | Cars class position in race by car index | |
CarIdxClass | Cars class id by car index | |
CarIdxF2Time | Race time behind leader or fastest lap time otherwise | s |
CarIdxEstTime | Estimated time to reach current location on track | s |
CarIdxLastLapTime | Cars last lap time | s |
CarIdxBestLapTime | Cars best lap time | s |
CarIdxBestLapNum | Cars best lap number | |
CarIdxTireCompound | Cars current tire compound | |
CarIdxQualTireCompound | Cars Qual tire compound | |
CarIdxQualTireCompoundLocked | Cars Qual tire compound is locked-in | |
CarIdxFastRepairsUsed | How many fast repairs each car has used | |
CarIdxSessionFlags | Session flags for each player | irsdk_Flags |
PaceMode | Are we pacing or not | irsdk_PaceMode |
CarIdxPaceLine | What line cars are pacing in or -1 if not pacing | |
CarIdxPaceRow | What row cars are pacing in or -1 if not pacing | |
CarIdxPaceFlags | Pacing status flags for each car | irsdk_PaceFlags |
OnPitRoad | Is the player car on pit road between the cones | |
CarIdxSteer | Steering wheel angle by car index | rad |
CarIdxRPM | Engine rpm by car index | revs/min |
CarIdxGear | -1=reverse 0=neutral 1..n=current gear by car index | |
SteeringWheelAngle | Steering wheel angle | rad |
Throttle | 0=off throttle to 1=full throttle | % |
Brake | 0=brake released to 1=max pedal force | % |
Clutch | 0=disengaged to 1=fully engaged | % |
Gear | -1=reverse 0=neutral 1..n=current gear | |
RPM | Engine rpm | revs/min |
PlayerCarSLFirstRPM | Shift light first light rpm | revs/min |
PlayerCarSLShiftRPM | Shift light shift rpm | revs/min |
PlayerCarSLLastRPM | Shift light last light rpm | revs/min |
PlayerCarSLBlinkRPM | Shift light blink rpm | revs/min |
Lap | Laps started count | |
LapCompleted | Laps completed count | |
LapDist | Meters traveled from S/F this lap | m |
LapDistPct | Percentage distance around lap | % |
RaceLaps | Laps completed in race | |
LapBestLap | Players best lap number | |
LapBestLapTime | Players best lap time | s |
LapLastLapTime | Players last lap time | s |
LapCurrentLapTime | Estimate of players current lap time as shown in F3 box | s |
LapLasNLapSeq | Player num consecutive clean laps completed for N average | |
LapLastNLapTime | Player last N average lap time | s |
LapBestNLapLap | Player last lap in best N average lap time | |
LapBestNLapTime | Player best N average lap time | s |
LapDeltaToBestLap | Delta time for best lap | s |
LapDeltaToBestLap_DD | Rate of change of delta time for best lap | s/s |
LapDeltaToBestLap_OK | Delta time for best lap is valid | |
LapDeltaToOptimalLap | Delta time for optimal lap | s |
LapDeltaToOptimalLap_DD | Rate of change of delta time for optimal lap | s/s |
LapDeltaToOptimalLap_OK | Delta time for optimal lap is valid | |
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap | Delta time for session best lap | s |
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap_DD | Rate of change of delta time for session best lap | s/s |
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap_OK | Delta time for session best lap is valid | |
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap | Delta time for session optimal lap | s |
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap_DD | Rate of change of delta time for session optimal lap | s/s |
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap_OK | Delta time for session optimal lap is valid | |
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap | Delta time for session last lap | s |
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap_DD | Rate of change of delta time for session last lap | s/s |
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap_OK | Delta time for session last lap is valid | |
Speed | GPS vehicle speed | m/s |
Yaw | Yaw orientation | rad |
YawNorth | Yaw orientation relative to north | rad |
Pitch | Pitch orientation | rad |
Roll | Roll orientation | rad |
EnterExitReset | Indicate action the reset key will take 0 enter 1 exit 2 reset | |
TrackTemp | Deprecated set to TrackTempCrew | C |
TrackTempCrew | Temperature of track measured by crew around track | C |
AirTemp | Temperature of air at start/finish line | C |
TrackWetness | How wet is the average track surface | irsdk_TrackWetness |
Skies | Skies (0=clear/1=p cloudy/2=m cloudy/3=overcast) | |
AirDensity | Density of air at start/finish line | kg/m^3 |
AirPressure | Pressure of air at start/finish line | Pa |
WindVel | Wind velocity at start/finish line | m/s |
WindDir | Wind direction at start/finish line | rad |
RelativeHumidity | Relative Humidity at start/finish line | % |
FogLevel | Fog level at start/finish line | % |
Precipitation | Precipitation at start/finish line | % |
SolarAltitude | Sun angle above horizon in radians | rad |
SolarAzimuth | Sun angle clockwise from north in radians | rad |
WeatherDeclaredWet | The steward says rain tires can be used | |
DCLapStatus | Status of driver change lap requirements | |
DCDriversSoFar | Number of team drivers who have run a stint | |
OkToReloadTextures | True if it is ok to reload car textures at this time | |
LoadNumTextures | True if the car_num texture will be loaded | |
CarLeftRight | Notify if car is to the left or right of driver | irsdk_CarLeftRight |
PitsOpen | True if pit stop is allowed for the current player | |
VidCapEnabled | True if video capture system is enabled | |
VidCapActive | True if video currently being captured | |
PitRepairLeft | Time left for mandatory pit repairs if repairs are active | s |
PitOptRepairLeft | Time left for optional repairs if repairs are active | s |
PitstopActive | Is the player getting pit stop service | |
FastRepairUsed | How many fast repairs used so far | |
FastRepairAvailable | How many fast repairs left 255 is unlimited | |
LFTiresUsed | How many left front tires used so far | |
RFTiresUsed | How many right front tires used so far | |
LRTiresUsed | How many left rear tires used so far | |
RRTiresUsed | How many right rear tires used so far | |
LeftTireSetsUsed | How many left tire sets used so far | |
RightTireSetsUsed | How many right tire sets used so far | |
FrontTireSetsUsed | How many front tire sets used so far | |
RearTireSetsUsed | How many rear tire sets used so far | |
TireSetsUsed | How many tire sets used so far | |
LFTiresAvailable | How many left front tires are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
RFTiresAvailable | How many right front tires are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
LRTiresAvailable | How many left rear tires are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
RRTiresAvailable | How many right rear tires are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
LeftTireSetsAvailable | How many left tire sets are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
RightTireSetsAvailable | How many right tire sets are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
FrontTireSetsAvailable | How many front tire sets are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
RearTireSetsAvailable | How many rear tire sets are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
TireSetsAvailable | How many tire sets are remaining 255 is unlimited | |
CamCarIdx | Active camera's focus car index | |
CamCameraNumber | Active camera number | |
CamGroupNumber | Active camera group number | |
CamCameraState | State of camera system | irsdk_CameraState |
IsOnTrackCar | 1=Car on track physics running | |
IsInGarage | 1=Car in garage physics running | |
SteeringWheelAngleMax | Steering wheel max angle | rad |
ShiftPowerPct | Friction torque applied to gears when shifting or grinding | % |
ShiftGrindRPM | RPM of shifter grinding noise | RPM |
ThrottleRaw | Raw throttle input 0=off throttle to 1=full throttle | % |
BrakeRaw | Raw brake input 0=brake released to 1=max pedal force | % |
ClutchRaw | Raw clutch input 0=disengaged to 1=fully engaged | % |
HandbrakeRaw | Raw handbrake input 0=handbrake released to 1=max force | % |
BrakeABSactive | true if abs is currently reducing brake force pressure | |
EngineWarnings | Bitfield for warning lights | irsdk_EngineWarnings |
FuelLevelPct | Percent fuel remaining | % |
PitSvFlags | Bitfield of pit service checkboxes | irsdk_PitSvFlags |
PitSvLFP | Pit service left front tire pressure | kPa |
PitSvRFP | Pit service right front tire pressure | kPa |
PitSvLRP | Pit service left rear tire pressure | kPa |
PitSvRRP | Pit service right rear tire pressure | kPa |
PitSvFuel | Pit service fuel add amount | l or kWh |
PitSvTireCompound | Pit service pending tire compound | |
CarIdxP2P_Status | Push2Pass active or not | |
CarIdxP2P_Count | Push2Pass count of usage (or remaining in Race) | |
SteeringWheelPctTorque | Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft unsigned | % |
SteeringWheelPctTorqueSign | Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft signed | % |
SteeringWheelPctTorqueSignStops | Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft signed stops | % |
SteeringWheelPctIntensity | Force feedback % max intensity | % |
SteeringWheelPctSmoothing | Force feedback % max smoothing | % |
SteeringWheelPctDamper | Force feedback % max damping | % |
SteeringWheelLimiter | Force feedback limiter strength limits impacts and oscillation | % |
SteeringWheelMaxForceNm | Value of strength or max force slider in Nm for FFB | N*m |
SteeringWheelPeakForceNm | Peak torque mapping to direct input units for FFB | N*m |
SteeringWheelUseLinear | True if steering wheel force is using linear mode | |
ShiftIndicatorPct | DEPRECATED use DriverCarSLBlinkRPM instead | % |
ReplayPlaySpeed | Replay playback speed | |
ReplayPlaySlowMotion | 0=not slow motion 1=replay is in slow motion | |
ReplaySessionTime | Seconds since replay session start | s |
ReplaySessionNum | Replay session number | |
TireLF_RumblePitch | Players LF Tire Sound rumblestrip pitch | Hz |
TireRF_RumblePitch | Players RF Tire Sound rumblestrip pitch | Hz |
TireLR_RumblePitch | Players LR Tire Sound rumblestrip pitch | Hz |
TireRR_RumblePitch | Players RR Tire Sound rumblestrip pitch | Hz |
IsGarageVisible | 1=Garage screen is visible | |
SteeringWheelTorque_ST | Output torque on steering shaft at 360 Hz | N*m |
SteeringWheelTorque | Output torque on steering shaft | N*m |
VelocityZ_ST | Z velocity | m/s at 360 Hz |
VelocityY_ST | Y velocity | m/s at 360 Hz |
VelocityX_ST | X velocity | m/s at 360 Hz |
VelocityZ | Z velocity | m/s |
VelocityY | Y velocity | m/s |
VelocityX | X velocity | m/s |
YawRate_ST | Yaw rate at 360 Hz | rad/s |
PitchRate_ST | Pitch rate at 360 Hz | rad/s |
RollRate_ST | Roll rate at 360 Hz | rad/s |
YawRate | Yaw rate | rad/s |
PitchRate | Pitch rate | rad/s |
RollRate | Roll rate | rad/s |
VertAccel_ST | Vertical acceleration (including gravity) at 360 Hz | m/s^2 |
LatAccel_ST | Lateral acceleration (including gravity) at 360 Hz | m/s^2 |
LongAccel_ST | Longitudinal acceleration (including gravity) at 360 Hz | m/s^2 |
VertAccel | Vertical acceleration (including gravity) | m/s^2 |
LatAccel | Lateral acceleration (including gravity) | m/s^2 |
LongAccel | Longitudinal acceleration (including gravity) | m/s^2 |
dcStarter | In car trigger car starter | |
dcPitSpeedLimiterToggle | In car traction control active | |
dcTractionControlToggle | In car traction control active | |
dcHeadlightFlash | In car headlight flash control active | |
dpWindshieldTearoff | Pitstop windshield tearoff | |
dcToggleWindshieldWipers | In car turn wipers on or off | |
dcTriggerWindshieldWipers | In car momentarily turn on wipers | |
dpRFTireChange | Pitstop rf tire change request | |
dpLFTireChange | Pitstop lf tire change request | |
dpRRTireChange | Pitstop rr tire change request | |
dpLRTireChange | Pitstop lr tire change request | |
dpFuelFill | Pitstop fuel fill flag | |
dpFuelAddKg | Pitstop fuel add amount | kg |
dpFastRepair | Pitstop fast repair set | |
dcDashPage | In car dash display page adjustment | |
dcBrakeBias | In car brake bias adjustment | |
dpLFTireColdPress | Pitstop lf tire cold pressure adjustment | Pa |
dpRFTireColdPress | Pitstop rf cold tire pressure adjustment | Pa |
dpLRTireColdPress | Pitstop lr tire cold pressure adjustment | Pa |
dpRRTireColdPress | Pitstop rr cold tire pressure adjustment | Pa |
dcThrottleShape | In car throttle shape adjustment | |
dcPowerSteering | In car power steering adjustment | |
dcTractionControl2 | In car traction control 2 adjustment | |
dcTractionControl | In car traction control adjustment | |
dpFuelAutoFillEnabled | Pitstop auto fill fuel system enabled | |
dpFuelAutoFillActive | Pitstop auto fill fuel next stop flag | |
RFbrakeLinePress | RF brake line pressure | bar |
RFcoldPressure | RF tire cold pressure as set in the garage | kPa |
RFtempCL | RF tire left carcass temperature | C |
RFtempCM | RF tire middle carcass temperature | C |
RFtempCR | RF tire right carcass temperature | C |
RFwearL | RF tire left percent tread remaining | % |
RFwearM | RF tire middle percent tread remaining | % |
RFwearR | RF tire right percent tread remaining | % |
LFbrakeLinePress | LF brake line pressure | bar |
LFcoldPressure | LF tire cold pressure as set in the garage | kPa |
LFtempCL | LF tire left carcass temperature | C |
LFtempCM | LF tire middle carcass temperature | C |
LFtempCR | LF tire right carcass temperature | C |
LFwearL | LF tire left percent tread remaining | % |
LFwearM | LF tire middle percent tread remaining | % |
LFwearR | LF tire right percent tread remaining | % |
FuelUsePerHour | Engine fuel used instantaneous | kg/h |
Voltage | Engine voltage | V |
WaterTemp | Engine coolant temp | C |
WaterLevel | Engine coolant level | l |
FuelPress | Engine fuel pressure | bar |
OilTemp | Engine oil temperature | C |
OilPress | Engine oil pressure | bar |
OilLevel | Engine oil level | l |
ManifoldPress | Engine manifold pressure | bar |
FuelLevel | Liters of fuel remaining | l |
Engine0_RPM | Engine0Engine rpm | revs/min |
RRbrakeLinePress | RR brake line pressure | bar |
RRcoldPressure | RR tire cold pressure as set in the garage | kPa |
RRtempCL | RR tire left carcass temperature | C |
RRtempCM | RR tire middle carcass temperature | C |
RRtempCR | RR tire right carcass temperature | C |
RRwearL | RR tire left percent tread remaining | % |
RRwearM | RR tire middle percent tread remaining | % |
RRwearR | RR tire right percent tread remaining | % |
LRbrakeLinePress | LR brake line pressure | bar |
LRcoldPressure | LR tire cold pressure as set in the garage | kPa |
LRtempCL | LR tire left carcass temperature | C |
LRtempCM | LR tire middle carcass temperature | C |
LRtempCR | LR tire right carcass temperature | C |
LRwearL | LR tire left percent tread remaining | % |
LRwearM | LR tire middle percent tread remaining | % |
LRwearR | LR tire right percent tread remaining | % |
LRshockDefl | LR shock deflection | m |
LRshockDefl_ST | LR shock deflection at 360 Hz | m |
LRshockVel | LR shock velocity | m/s |
LRshockVel_ST | LR shock velocity at 360 Hz | m/s |
RRshockDefl | RR shock deflection | m |
RRshockDefl_ST | RR shock deflection at 360 Hz | m |
RRshockVel | RR shock velocity | m/s |
RRshockVel_ST | RR shock velocity at 360 Hz | m/s |
LFshockDefl | LF shock deflection | m |
LFshockDefl_ST | LF shock deflection at 360 Hz | m |
LFshockVel | LF shock velocity | m/s |
LFshockVel_ST | LF shock velocity at 360 Hz | m/s |
RFshockDefl | RF shock deflection | m |
RFshockDefl_ST | RF shock deflection at 360 Hz | m |
RFshockVel | RF shock velocity | m/s |
RFshockVel_ST | RF shock velocity at 360 Hz | m/s |