Dirt UMP Modified (UMP)

The UMP Modified cars are specifically built for dirt oval racing. Featuring 750 horsepower these cars race all around the United States. Built to the United Midwestern Promoters (UMP) specifications these are some of the most popular dirt oval cars in the country. The car design is a unique hybrid - open wheel in the front, stock car in the back.
Over 3,000 drivers are registered to compete in the UMP DIRTcar Racing open-wheel Modified class, which continues to grow with each passing season. The division's unique style, affordability, standardized rules and competitiveness make it a popular choice for veteran weekend warriors and young racers on the rise.
Over 3,000 drivers are registered to compete in the UMP DIRTcar Racing open-wheel Modified class, which continues to grow with each passing season. The division's unique style, affordability, standardized rules and competitiveness make it a popular choice for veteran weekend warriors and young racers on the rise.
Tech Specs
Wheelbase:108 in
Weight:2400 lbs
Driveline:1 forward gears
Engine:410 cu in
Maximum power:750 hp
Max Weight Penalty (kg)250
Power Adjust PCT-5 <> 0
Has Headlights
Has Multiple Dry Tyres
AI Enabled
Award Exempt
Allowable Paint Spec
Number Color?
Number Font?
Sponsor 1?
Sponsor 2?
Wheel Color?
Release Notes
CreatedAug. 10, 2017, 2:12 p.m.
First SaleSept. 5, 2017, midnight
Display Price$0.00
- Categories dirt_oval
- Car Types dirt, dirtoval
- Car Search Filters dirt,dirtoval
- Forum Click Here
- Template Path car_templates/95_template_UMP.zip
- Sponser Logo None
- Logo /img/logos/partners/dirtcarracing-logo.png
- Folder /img/cars/dirtumpmodified
- Images dirtumpmodified-small.jpg / dirtumpmodified-large.jpg
- Gallery Prefix (Count) None d
- Detail Images carid_95/shot_ss_1,carid_95/shot_ss_2,carid_95/shot_ss_3,carid_95/shot_ss_4,carid_95/shot_ss_5