Ruf RT 12R AWD (R12A)

RUF Automobile GmbH is synonymous with high performance automobiles. In addition to engine - and chassis-tuning and vintage restoration of some of the fastest cars in the world, RUF is recognized by the German government as an automotive manufacturer in its own right for producing and installing its own Porsche performance enhancements.
The company was founded in 1939 as an automotive service garage by Alois Ruf Sr, who later designed and built vehicles of his own in the '50s. A sports car buff, Alois Ruf Jr. followed in his father's footsteps and began servicing and restoring Porsches in the '60s and produced the first RUF-enhanced Porsche 911 in 1975. RUF debuted their first complete model soon after and in the intervening four decades has carved a legendary niche in the automotive market by producing exceptionally powerful Porsche-based vehicles.
The RUF AWD ranks among the world's most versatile high performance cars. Not only does its 3.8 liter, twin turbo pack a 685 horsepower punch, those ponies are delivered to the road via a six speed transmission and all four wheels. Couple that power with AWD, ceramic brakes and a sophisticated aero package and you have one seriously capable sports car, no matter the environment.
Tech Specs
Engine:Six cylinder, 3.8 liter, twin turbo
- Power:
Max Weight Penalty (kg)250
Power Adjust PCT-5 <> 0
Has Headlights
Has Multiple Dry Tyres
AI Enabled
Award Exempt
Allowable Paint Spec
Number Color?
Number Font?
Sponsor 1?
Sponsor 2?
Wheel Color?
Release Notes
CreatedMay 31, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
First SaleJan. 27, 2014, midnight
Display Price$11.95
- Categories sports_car
- Car Types 911, road, sportscar
- Car Search Filters road,sportscar,911
- Forum Click Here
- Template Path car_templates/
- Sponser Logo None
- Logo /img/logos/partners/ruf-logo.png
- Folder /img/cars/rufrt12
- Images rufrt12rcspec-small.jpg / rufrt12rcspec-large.jpg
- Gallery Prefix (Count) None 4
- Detail Images ruf/shot_ss_1,ruf/shot_ss_2,ruf/shot_ss_3,ruf/shot_ss_4